RCAAP Repository
Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Era
Entrepreneurship and innovation, in particular its contribution to economic and social development, is the main reason of the increasing research in recent years at international level, namely the relevance of business models, human capital, entrepreneurship ecosystem, creativity and business ideas. However, much remains to be done, as research in any of these areas is relatively recent. This is the challenge that serves as the starting point, going further, focusing on the work to be done on the relationship between the mentioned subthemes, relating them, crossing them and knowing their real impact on growth, sustainability and business success.
Lamas, Marco Marques, Carlos Rodrigues, Ana Fernández, Loreto Remondes, Jorge
The Growing Publication of Scientific Articles on Marketing and Digital Communication
Marketing and digital communication are researched domains that result in a variety of articles with increasingly relevant results for science and organizations.In this first regular issue of 2021 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM), in three of the six articles, problems of marketing and digital communication are analyzed.Other important areas in the scientific domains of this journal, such as marketing and innovation, the influence of the image of destinations on purchase intention, and product management, are analyzed and discussed with clear implications.
Remondes, Jorge
Determinantes e Consequências da Satisfação e Lealdade Online: Um estudo sobre marcas de nutrição desportiva.
Atualmente vivemos num mundo marcado pela presença do digital. É perante este novo contexto que se torna imperativo para as marcas focarem-se em estratégias de marketing que tenham como objetivo captar novas oportunidades para se aproximarem dos consumidores, numa tentativa de os fidelizar às suas marcas. Tendo em conta esta nova realidade, este trabalho de investigação visa analisar quais os antecedentes e as consequências da satisfação e lealdade online aquando da compra de produtos de nutrição desportiva. Para os devidos efeitos, foi realizada uma pesquisa, de índole quantitativa através de um questionário estruturado, baseada numa amostra de 206 indivíduos. Posteriormente, através do modelo das equações estruturais, procedeu-se à análise estatísticas dos dados e conclui-se que a qualidade percecionada do website, a capacidade de resposta do website e a personalização do website são variáveis determinantes da satisfação online. Concluiu-se ainda que a própria satisfação online e a confiança online são determinantes da lealdade online. Finalmente também se conclui que a lealdade online tem um impacto positivo na predisposição do consumidor para pagar mais e no fortalecimento da relação online do consumidor com a marca.
Bairrada, Cristela Maia Fontes da Costa, João Araújo, Maria Carolina
Vigilância Electrónica: uma realidade desconhecida para a generalidade dos portugueses
A vida digital passou a fazer parte integrante da maior parte da sociedade actual e, sempre que um utilizador abre uma página da internet, de forma impercetível, está a ser monitorizado nas suas pesquisas, preferências, etc. Sendo a privacidade um conceito fundamental para a vida em sociedade, o presente estudo visa perceber se os utilizadores da internet estão conscientes do que acontece com o processamento dos seus dados. De forma a operacionalizar o estudo, foi desenvolvido um questionário com oito perguntas de modo a abranger informação sobre diferentes aplicações, o qual foi distribuído pelas redes sociais e e-mail através da estratégia "bola de neve". Os resultados do nosso estudo parecem confirmar a nossa hipótese central de que efectivamente a vigilância electrónica é uma realidade desconhecida para a generalidade dos portugueses. De uma forma geral os resultados não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre géneros, excepto para a questão sobre o conhecimento das potencialidades da ferramenta "Messenger" do Facebook utilizado em smartphones, para a qual o género feminino apresenta uma falta de conhecimento significativamente superior ao género masculino. Transportando os dados obtidos para o dia-a-dia empresarial, parece-nos de suma importância alertar para a necessidade de as empresas investirem na formação dos seus colaboradores enquanto utilizadores de internet, de modo a aumentar a consciencialização relativa à vigilância electrónica e das suas potenciais consequências, que poderão ter implicações não só a nível pessoal, mas também a nível empresarial.
Teles, Eduardo Peixoto, João Paulo
O Papel do Género na Banca Portuguesa: Um estudo exploratório.
O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as questões de gênero no funcionamento das instituições bancárias nacionais. Quanto ao que sabemos, este estudo tem uma natureza inovadora, portanto, terá uma abordagem exploratória. Em termos metodológicos, em um primeiro momento, foi lançado um questionário aos funcionários das instituições bancárias nacionais. Dada a parcimônia dos resultados, esta metodologia deu lugar ao uso de entrevistas endereçadas por e-mail a um grupo de mulheres anteriormente definido que atua no setor bancário português. Essas entrevistas foram destinadas a compreender a compreensão das mulheres de como as questões de gênero irão influenciar suas experiências profissionais. As respostas permitiram destacar os seguintes pontos: a maioria das mulheres é altamente educada; seus superiores são principalmente homens; Os machos usam para buscar mais recursos das instituições; as mulheres apresentam um maior nível de aversão ao risco, enquanto os homens apresentam um maior nível de confiança, negociando mais ações; o estabelecimento de uma participação de 40% das mulheres nos conselhos melhora o desempenho; Para a maioria dos entrevistados, a vida familiar não interfere com suas carreiras.
Quelhas, Ana Paula Neves, Cíntia Cunha
Social Media Marketing: Strategies, practices and social impacts
Social Media Marketing is the best defined in the context of the previous industrial media paradigm (Zarrella, 2010). With the democratization of internet access and the popularization of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, our ways of communicating and relating to both people and brands have changed a lot. New ways and platforms for marketing have emerged.Tuten and Solomon (2017) show some items that should be addressed by those who intend to research in this field of knowledge. Nomely, social media environment, digital natives, social media infrastructure, monetization, and especially the careers needed in this area (Tuten & Solomon, 2017). The issue regarding the segmentation of consumer audiences should also be the subject of relevant studies by the academy (...)
Claro, José Alberto Amaral, Inês Remondes, Jorge Madeira, Paulo
Digital, Marketing and Online Vídeo Ads: Brand Studies.
Digital marketing and online advertiding are researched domains that result in a variety of articles with increasingly relevant results for science and organizations.In this second regular issue of 2021 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM), in three of the four articles, problems of digital marketing, online advertsising and video ads are analyzed.Digital marketing is one of the most sought-after trends by modern companies, currently allowing innovation and new types of integration between channels (Cabrero, 2016, p.13).Investing in online advertising in social networks has several advantages (Miranda, 2018, p. 130): brand awareness; knowledge of the consumer profile; high segmentation; generation of leads, traffic, conversions, and remarketing. Miranda (2018) also mentions that in online advertising, namely on YouTube, one should look at the creativity that accompanies the video as well as the segmentation.However, as Martínez-Costa; Serrano-Puche; Portillla and Sánchez-Blanco (2019) state, online advertising should adapt its languages and formats for mobile because mobile devices are more used by young adults who are the generation of the future, and also because the use of ad blockers is more frequent on computers than on mobile devices.Feijoo-Fernández; Sádaba-Chalezquer and Bugueño-Ipinza (2020) even highlight that "The new audiences, compared to previous generations, do not reject advertising or brands, but choose the advertising content in which they are genuinely interested" (p.3). Having given this brief introduction, I invite the reader to read all the articles in this issue to learn more about the results achieved in studies developed by researchers from universities and research centres in Brazil, Algeria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2021.v9n17.1-3
Remondes, Jorge
The Influence of Need for Touch in Multichannel Purchasing Behaviour. An approach based on its instrumental and autotelic dimensions and consumer´s shopping task
This paper analyses the relationship between the consumer’s need for touch (NFT) and the channels used during search and purchase stages. The focus is the apparel and fashion industry, characterised by offering highly hedonic products, where great importance is placed on the sense of touch. The moderating effects produced by the type of touch (autotelic/instrumental) and by the types of shopping task (goal-oriented/experiential-oriented) are also analysed. Results show that autotelic NFT becomes delimited by the instrumental one, and high NFT levels always involve a high instrumental dimension. The instrumental NFT dimension defines both the use of physical and online channels. The instrumental NFT prevails over the autotelic one, both for goal-oriented and experiential consumers. Regarding multichannel consumers, those who search or buy on the Internet show lower NFT, both overall and in its two dimensions, compared to those consumers who choose physical channels.
Manzano, Roberto Ferran, Magdalena Gavilan, Diana Avello, Maria Abril, Carmen
Construcción de Tipologías y Clusters, sobre Seguridad y Privacidad en Redes Sociales
The article reflects on the perception and management of security and privacy in virtual social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. It presents a case of investigation, from the methodological triangulation and the obtaining and sequential interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. It describes the process of obtaining information and qualitative analysis, starting from the guidelines of the Discourse of structural semiotics on a corpus composed of group of discussion, That later, they derive in a quantitative measuring instrument, which gives rise to the construction of clusters. Based on a general perspective on online information management, structural positions, discursive migrations, and specific attitudinal profiles relating to each user are identified. Finally, they are quantified in a given scenario.
Ibarra, Luís Eduardo Ruano Ordóñez, Ernesto León Congote
A Imagem Cognitiva do Destino Turístico: O caso da cidade do Porto
No atual contexto competitivo do mercado turístico global, é essencial perceber como o destino é visto pelo seu público alvo. Desta forma, a avaliação da imagem do destino tem se mostrado uma eficaz fermenta para a formulação e adaptação de estratégias de branding de destinos. Dada a importância desta técnica, o presente estudo visa avaliar a imagem cognitiva do Porto enquanto destino turístico. Para isto, analisam-se 8 dimensões da imagem cognitiva do destino, através de dados recolhidos por meio de uma pesquisa tipo survey com turistas e potenciais turistas de origem asiática. Os resultados apontaram para uma avaliação cognitiva geral positiva. Neste contexto, destaca-se a dimensão do ambiente do lugar, que obteve a classificação mais alta.
Santana, Laís Cardoso, Lucília Vila, Noelia Araújo de Araújo, Arthur Filipe
Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review of the Early Research on the COVID-19 Outbreak
The outbreak of COVID-19 has substantially altered trends and the research agenda in Consumer Behavior (CB). The main objectives of this article is analyze and classify the main contributions published the early research on CB on the COVID -19 pandemic , seeking to discover the perspective and the gaps and outline future avenues of research . With this article, we performed a systematic literature review based on articles published in Web of Science (WoS). We used a bibliometric approach based on Bibliographic Coupling of Documents complemented by a thematic analysis which allows us to provide a more holistic overview of the domain under study. Based on literature review six key thematic areas were identified in CB research of early stage of the pandemic: Environmental Factors, Social Media CB and Business Strategies , Personal and Psychological Characteristics , Purchase Process , and Panic buying . The conclusions present limitations inherent to systematic literature review articles, in particular the filters used to limit the search.DOI: https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2022.sn11.62-91
Mota Veiga, Pedro Diogo, Julien
Procedural Audio Generation Applied to Digital Games
The current standard of interactive audio in digital games takes a heavy toll on independent game developers limited human and technical resources. Procedural audio generation is a possible solution for independent developers to keep sound design affordable and dynamic without sacrificing creative control. The goal of this dissertation is to understand if procedural audio is a relevant and feasible technique for independent developers and if current technology allows a cost-effective customizable implementation. This research was approached through the Design Thinking methodology, which comprises of 5 stages: empathy with the target public – independent game developers and sound designers –, definition of the problem, ideation, prototyping and testing. As part of the Empathy and Problem Definition stages, game audio and sound synthesis concepts were studied, and the state of the art was reviewed in order to present the advantages and challenges of procedural audio for digital games. Desirable features for procedural game audio were collected from literature review to meet the current needs of audio professionals in the game industry. The Ideation phase assessed the viability of developing custom procedural audio tools for Unity’s game engine through the open source audio programming languages Pure Data, Csound and SuperCollider. Csound was selected as the fittest language for the final prototype and three instruments for sound effect procedural generation were developed and tested within Unity in combination with other interactive game elements. This prototype was evaluated according to the defined objectives: its strongest aspects are its flexible aesthetic, potential for realistic behaviour and compatibility with a mixed approach and object-oriented paradigm; however, its computational cost and lack of an intuitive architecture do not allow a broader application of this technique.
Sofia Ferreira Quintas, Juliana
Luxury Goods’ Perception Within Millennials Cohort: Evidence against global homogeneity myth.
The purpose of this paper is to identify and explain areas of homogeneity/ internal diversity of Generation Y in appraising value drivers of luxury goods; to compare the perception of luxury goods’ value (CVPL) of Generation X and Y and explain the grounds of perception uniformity/ dissimilarity. Perception of luxury goods’ value (CVPL) by Generation Y (Millennials) consumers from “rising and old” luxury consumption markets (Saudi Arabia, Poland, Turkey, Portugal and Germany). A mixed methodology was employed: structured e-questionnaire with adopted scales from Wiedmann et al. (2009), Vigneron and Johnson (2004), and Holbrook (1999, 2006); and, qualitative approach with focus group interviews with Millennials and non- Millennials. A sample of 1193 from five countries was analyzed. Data were divided and analyzed for country and cohorts’ specifics. Millennials are an internally diversified cohort; they consist of at least two sub-groups: younger, single, early stage carrier builders and more family, status-oriented older professionals that resemble Generation X in CVPL. Millennials also demonstrate strong country-specific differences in evaluating luxury value drivers; global consumption behavioral patterns are permeated by local cultural influences. Even though Millennials do not differ from Generation Y in their perception of luxury goods values, they visibly demonstrate different consumer behavior in the area of digital tools usage. This work brings attention to the luxury industry and consumption in a cross-cultural approach, its perception of luxury goods’ value and points of perception uniformity/dissimilarity among Millennials. For the luxury brand marketers, practical implications of this contrasts have huge potential to consumer profiles and marketing strategies.
Stępień, Beata Lima, Ana
Imagen de Cataluña en la Red. ¿Coincide la Percepción del Público con el Posicionamiento Deseado?
El auge y avance de las nuevas tecnologías ha repercutido en la sociedad en general y en el mundo de los negocios. Uno de los sectores que más se ha visto afectado ha sido el turístico, especialmente ante las posibilidades y utilidades comunicativas que la red ofrece a todos los agentes participantes en la cadena de valor turística. A través de la red, los responsables de la gestión turística de los destinos tienen la posibilidad de transmitir la imagen deseada a una cantidad de potenciales visitantes hasta hace unos años impensable. A su vez, los turistas pueden proporcionar un feedback continuo a través de sus comentarios en las distintas herramientas 2.0, entre los que las redes sociales juegan un papel destacado. Tomando como referencia Cataluña (España) en el presente trabajo se trata de comprobar en qué medida la imagen transmitida desde este destino coincide con la percibida por el público.
de Carlos Villamarín, Pablo Araújo Vila, Noelia Fraiz Brea, Jose Antonio
Consumer Social Media Engagement with Video Ad in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The main objective of this article is to analyze the narrative of an advertising video in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through a utilitarian (informativeness) and hedonic (playfulness) perspective and evaluate its consequences on brand engagement. In this article, we propose a quantitative approach based on structural equation models. The questionnaire was disseminated in April 2020, and 235 valid responses were obtained and analyzed using the software AMOS v26. The results confirmed the adjustment of the data to the conceptual model established and that empathy with the content in advertising videos has a mediating effect on playfulness and informativeness effects in brand engagement in social networks during COVID-19 pandemic. Our study analyses the narrative of an advertising video in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through a utilitarian (informativeness) and hedonic (playfulness) perspective and evaluates its consequences on brand engagement. Despite the existence of several studies on advertising, its relationship with brand engagement is still poorly studied in the literature, especially in the pandemic period. This work demonstrates the importance of empathy with video as important factor in digital brand engagement, even in times of crisis. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n18.71-87
Mota Veiga, Pedro Diogo, Julien Espírito Santo, Pedro Manuel do Santos, Sara
On some properties preserved by the non-abelian tensor product of Hom-Lie algebras
We study some properties of the non-abelian tensor product of Hom-Lie algebras concerning the preservation of products and quotients, solvability and nilpotency, and describe compatibility with the universal central extensions of perfect Hom-Lie algebras.
Casas, José M. Khmaladze, Emzar Pacheco Rego, Natália
A New Methodology for Use by a Single Caregiver to Bathe Bedridden Elderly Persons Using Advanced Mechatronic Systems
n the framework of this paper, we aimed to propose a methodology for giving baths to elderly, bedridden persons, when this task is performed by a single caregiver. Usually, two caregivers are required for nursing a bedridden patient, especially when certain important tasks are needed (e.g., bathing the patient), but this is not always possible. The entire study considers the primary user’s perspective—the caregiver—who is responsible for a wide range of tasks; thus, suffering physical and psychological exhaustion over time. A physical prototype has been developed for allowing caregivers to perform tests in a life-like environment, by means of the device and the methodology. This technology, therefore, will represent an important contribution to the quality of life of caregivers. Considering an increase in the share of the elderly population and the related problems that arise in daily care, this project intends to be beneficial contemporarily. The presented methodology has been successfully tested and validated.
Bezerra, Karolina Machado, José Carvalho, Vítor Soares, Filomena Matos, Demétrio Castro, Marcelo Pereira, Filipe Lopes, Hugo
Assessment of electromagnetic tracking systems in a surgical environment using ultrasonography and ureteroscopy instruments for percutaneous renal access
Purpose: Electromagnetic tracking systems (EMTSs) have been proposed to assist the percutaneous renal access (PRA) during minimally invasive interventions to the renal system. However, the influence of other surgical instruments widely used during PRA (like ureteroscopy and ultrasound equipment) in the EMTS performance is not completely known. This work performs this assessment for two EMTSs (Aurora® Planar Field Generator – PFG; Aurora® Tabletop Field Generator - TTFG). Methods: An assessment platform, composed by a scaffold with specific supports to attach the surgical instruments and a plate phantom with multiple levels to precisely translate or rotate the surgical instruments, was developed. The median accuracy and precision in terms of position and orientation were estimated for the and in a surgical environment using this platform. Then, the influence of different surgical instruments (alone or together), namely analogic flexible ureterorenoscope (AUR), digital flexible ureterorenoscope (DUR), 2D ultrasound (US) probe and 4D mechanical US probe, was assessed for both EMTSs by coupling the instruments to 5-DOF and 6-DOF sensors. Results: Overall, the median positional and orientation accuracies in the surgical environment were 0.85 mm and 0.42º for , and 0.72 mm and 0.39 º for , while precisions were 0.10 mm and 0.03 º for, and 0.20 mm and 0.12 º for , respectively. No significant differences were found for accuracy between EMTSs. However, showed a tendency for higher precision than . AUR, DUR, and 2D US probe did not influence the accuracy and precision of both EMTSs. In opposition, the 4D probe distorted the signal near the attached sensor, making readings unreliable. Conclusion: Ureteroscopy and ultrasonography-assisted PRA based on EMTS guidance are feasible with the tested AUR or DUR together with the 2D probe. More studies must be performed to evaluate the probes and ureterorenoscopes’ influence before their use in PRA based on EMTS guidance.
Fonseca, João Veloso, Fernando Queirós, Sandro Morais, Pedro Pinho, António Fonseca, Jaime Pinto, Jorge Lima, Estevão Vilaça, João
Predicting Facebook Fans’ Continuance Intention to Interact with Facebook Hospitality Company Fan Pages
This study proposes and tests a new synthesized model by integrating the expectation-confirmation model, the technology acceptance model, one affective factor and two information-sharing factors to examine fans’ intention to continue interacting with hospitality company pages. Facebook fans from Taiwan are recruited as participants via an Internet survey. Data from 354 usable questionnaires were tested against the research model using the structural equation modeling approach. The results show that satisfaction has the most pronounced effect on fans’ continuance intention, followed sequentially by significant but weaker predictors: perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and attitude. Meanwhile, expected relationships and altruism are both verified as having a notable influence on fans’ continuance intention by affecting their attitude toward company’s page. This study targeted Facebook fans of hospitality business pages. Therefore, a validation using another large sample gathered elsewhere is required to generalize the findings. The findings of this paper can give both page managers and academics an increased understanding of fans’ continuance intention to interact with company fan pages; the results may then be employed as a guideline to develop more appropriate business strategies for hospitality organizations by which to promote their products/services. The proposed model is a new synthesized model; little research has been done on examining Facebook fans’ continuance intention toward interacting with hospitality company fan pages. This study contributes to an understanding of the factors that influence fans’ intention to continue interacting with company fan pages through an empirical investigation, and especially its targeting of fans’ perception.
Wang, Hsiu-Yuan
Um projeto de sensibilização tem como ponto de partida uma realidade social, com o desejo de mudar aspetos de uma sociedade através da reflexão sobre uma problemática. O estado de calamidade, devido à existência de incêndios, é cada vez mais frequente em Portugal, sendo que é necessário a produção de informação sobre os comportamentos de risco, alertas e medidas de prevenção através de uma forma de comunicação que consiga abranger a maior parte da sociedade. O cinema de animação é um meio de expressão que, a partir de um processo de criação específico, consegue chegar ao espetador e permitir que este crie empatia perante as ideias que estão a ser transmitidas. Assim, é através de estratégias complexas na construção de um argumento que se tornou o ponto de partida e suporte para orientar a ação de uma curta-metragem animada. A estrutura da curta metragem é feita através da estratégia de criação de uma narrativa principal contada a partir de diferentes perspetivas e pontos de vista – cinco narrativas paralelas –, trabalhando assim diferentes consciências e conseguindo mudar a forma como os indivíduos encaram a floresta e a prevenção dos incêndios ao criar um impacto diversificado no espetador. Todo o processo de construção da animação foi pensado ao pormenor, desde a pré-produção, produção e pós-produção, de forma a chegar a um produto final que sustentasse a investigação teórica desenvolvida, refletido em simultâneo sobre o contributo do cinema de animação para a sensibilização da tragédia. As cinco narrativas paralelas, por sua vez, reforçam o convite à múltipla leitura dos espetadores, espelhando, e colocando em diálogo diferentes perceções da tragédia através da relação que este estabelece com os diferentes personagens e da forma como interpreta os diversos cenários da animação, à medida que a tensão na ação evoluí até atingir o pico dramático, o momento catártico e o sugestivo plano final (voltar-se-á tudo a repetir?).
Miguel, Susana Isabel Filipe Viegas