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A influência da marca territorial na predisposição do consumidor turístico: O caso Cabo Verde

Objetivo: O principal objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em discutir a influência da criação de uma marca territorial na identidade percebida pelo consumidor em contextos de turismo, no caso particular de Cabo Verde. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Como estudo exploratório, analisou-se a criação da marca territorial Cabo Verde na perspetiva dos pressupostos teóricos do prisma de identidade da marca e propõe-se um modelo que relaciona a influência da identidade local com as intenções comportamentais em turismo por parte de residentes e turistas. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos mostram uma gestão da marca territorial Cabo Verde (em específico a identidade da marca) relacionada com a identidade local, o que sugere que se trate de um determinante importante na procura turística do destino Cabo Verde. Estudos futuros deverão testar esta relação através de um modelo de equações estruturais no que toca aos construtos motivação, satisfação e lealdade, bem como discutir a identidade percecionada pelos turistas através de entrevistas, relacionando-a com a marca territorial desenvolvida e a identidade local presente na logomarca. Limitações/implicações: O estudo constitui um instrumento de auxílio da gestão territorial em contextos específicos de turismo, aliado ao estudo do comportamento do consumidor turístico, o que se reflete na maior ou menor competitividade entre destinos turísticos (i.e. planeamento de espaços, estratégias de comunicação, promoção de serviços, vendas integradas e combate à sazonalidade). Originalidade/valor: Desenvolvimento da teoria em contextos específicos de turismo numa ótica de marketing (comportamento do consumidor). Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, este artigo apresenta uma reflexão teórica no sentido de melhor compreender a gestão da marca em contextos de destinos turísticos.




Sousa, Bruno Casais, Beatriz Pina, Gilson

A Theoretical Contribution in Perspective of Brand Management and Triggering Process in Tourism Contexts

The brand management is one of the aspects on which many researchers have dedicated attention, as this was something that in addition to facilitate recognition, improving the loyalty and increasing notoriety. It is of course an asset for the company, which will allow products that identify and differentiate them from the competition. Besides the undeniable connection with the component product), the study of the brand requires attention to several kinds of concepts, no less important (e.g. image, notoriety or identity). Recently have been new approaches and new contributions in this regard. In terms of methodology, this theoretical study aims to analyze and understand the key issues associated with the brand in the context of the triggering process in special interest tourism contexts. The study has as purpose to provide a better understanding regarding the theoretical and practical implications (Ma & Tan, 2006). In this context, entrepreneurship is considered a central force of economic development, as it generates growth and serves as a vehicle for innovation and change. This theoretical paper presents and systematizes some of these contributions, with application in tourism contexts.




Sousa, Bruno

A dinâmica diferenciadora e o processo de criação na gestão de destinos turísticos

É notória a importância do empreendedorismo e da inovação na comunidade académica, assumindose como de aplicação global e ligado à criação de riqueza, independência e realização pessoal. Contudo, as interpretações em seu redor continuam fragmentadas, não se verificando uma definição unívoca em torno dos seus conceitos. Sendo o turismo um dos sectores económicos cujo grau de envolvimento é necessário para o seu sucesso, a diversificação de produtos e serviços turísticos torna-se uma exigência capaz de conduzir ao aumento da procura de novos tipos de necessidades em turismo incluindo oportunidades para um turismo mais sustentável. À semelhança de outros sectores emergentes numa economia moderna, o turismo é uma indústria dinâmica e em constante mudança. Desta feita, o empreendedorismo e a inovação assumem-se como fatores críticos no seu desenvolvimento, tanto a nível global como regional. O trabalho de reflexão, aqui proposto, reúne e sistematiza os alguns dos principais aspetos inerentes ao empreendedorismo e processo de criação. Pretende-se, deste modo, proporcionar uma melhor compreensão no que concerne à essência do empreendedorismo e oricessi de criação numa ótica de destinos em turismo. De índole conceptual, o presente estudo pretende evidenciar algumas implicações numa perspetiva turística, bem como apresentado o modelo conceptual da natureza dinâmica do Triggering Process e inovação. Numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, este estudo visa compreender a dinâmica diferenciadora e o processo de criação na gestão de destinos turísticos, propondo a aplicação empírica do modelo conceptual ilustrativo da natureza dinâmica do Triggering Process em contextos específicos de turismo (e.g. turismo de negócios, turismo de natureza, city breaks). Com recurso a modelos de equações estruturais, espera-se que o estudo permita testar a teoria de ordem causal entre o conjunto de variáveis a propor. No final, procede-se a uma reflexão sobre o tema com a explicitação do modelo a aplicar numa ótica de turismo segmentado, discutindo-se linhas de investigação futura.




Sousa, Bruno

The Brand Management: a perspective applied in the context of sports media

The main objective of this study is to analyze the brand management approach applied to sports media context. Thus, in particular, the research proposed aims to present a contribution to the study and management of the brand in a perspective applied to the sports daily press environment in Portugal, in particular on physical and psychological brand identity. So he proceeded to lifting elements and publication of the subproducts, with a view to analyzing and understanding of key aspects of brand management (case study: O Jogo). The brand management is unquestionably one of the aspects on which many researchers have dedicated attention, as this was something that in addition to facilitate recognition, improving the loyalty and increasing notoriety. It is of course an asset for the company, which will allow products that identify and differentiate them from the competition. Besides the undeniable connection with the component product (marketing mix), the study of the brand requires attention to various kinds of concepts, no less important (e.g. image, notoriety or identity). Recently have been new approaches and new contributions in this regard. This paper presents and systematizes some of these contributions, an application of the optical particular case of sports media in which the communication elements are particularly important (e.g. logo, signature, colors, slogans, values and symbols). Thus, the scope of a theme as brand management allows to study fundamental aspects of the brand (i.e. to establish the relationship with marketing mix strategy).




Sousa, Bruno Silva, Joaquim

Os Fatores que influenciam a Intenção de Compra das Marcas da Distribuição

This study aims to analyze and understand the process that leads to the purchase intention of the distributor brand. It starts with a literature review on the general field of brand management, perceiving for such which factors are valued by consumers and influence their purchase. It follows the perspective of the distributor, with the knowledge of its evolution, how they were developing brands with their own insignia and consequently the attitude shown by consumers compared to the values meanwhile transmitted. After the formation of the theoretical framework, the intention is to know what are the main determinants that lead to the purchase of distributor brand products. Following these assumptions, we are proposing to develop a research model attempting to evaluate what are the most relevant factors for explainning purchase intentions of distribution brands is proposed.




Morais, João

“Revolutionizing Beauty Industry”: Co-Creation and Customer Engagement for Brand Image Development. Case Study Research of a Crowdsource-Driven Cosmetics Company Volition Beauty.

Utilization of consumer participation is gaining importance in multiple sectors at a high pace. However, in the beauty industry, consumer engagement as a tool to drive innovation and support image creation is relatively new and rarely utilized. This qualitative content analysis study aimed to examine the case of Volition Beauty - the beauty brand which has built its product and communication strategies around concepts of crowdsourcing and consumer participation, to investigate its collaborative, innovation-based communication and engagement strategies in the digital media. The outcomes of thematic analysis conducted on Instagram and blog data showed direct communication strategies the company uses – co-creation incentives, insights into the co-creative process and promises behind crowdsourcing, as well as in-direct strategies – feeling of belonging, shared values, relevant products and revolutionizing the industry. The findings of the research not only contribute to the current knowledge about crowdsourcing and customer engagement but also deliver insights for the industry practitioners about applicable tools for differentiation and building engagement in the new media.




Szalaty, Patrycja Maria Derda, Izabela

Web Information in Face of COVID-19 Crisis: Evidence from Tourism Sector

Due to COVID-19, the global health crisis has had an unprecedented effect on the tourism industry. Academics and politicians are asked to point out solutions that will help people and the economy mitigate such a bad impact. This paper aims to answer the following research questions: (i) How the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was treated by tourism e/m-commerce companies, (ii) What kind of information is available on social media about COVID-19, (iii) What economic and financial information can be access on the web regarding these companies. This is an exploratory study based on multiple case-study approaches that combine different methodologies and techniques. The content analysis focuses on two main pillars: COVID-19 related information available in websites and social networks; the economic and financial information available and freely accessible on the web. The results indicate that, in general, companies have strengthened their presence in the digital world. Services that were previously provided face-to-face or in a mixed format, are now exclusively remote. Communication with customers about pandemic awareness, public health care and, especially, procedures to be carried out, were also distributed through digital channels. Financial data of companies with a diversified business portfolio evidence systematic risk, while companies that deal exclusively with tourism business already show expected losses due to their exposure to specific risk, expected for the tourism sector. DOI:




Teixeira, Sandrina Francisca Silva, Amélia Angélico, Maria José Camanrinha, Ana Paula Abreu, António

Interviewing by Internations: A methodological discussion to explore special representation in Mali

Given the exponential development in technology, researchers have more and better possibilities to conduct qualitative research through Internet. There are a growing number of contributions that take into account online interviewing, its different uses and advances. However, the relation between social networking sites and interpretative research is perhaps the less studied among the opportunities offered by Internet for investigation. In this article, we explore the benefits, disadvantages and ethical issues of interviewing by Internations, a social networking site that its main goal is to connect expatriates worldwide. Through a case study method, in which we interview five Malian emigrants on the extension of their rights of representation in the home-country national legislature (special representation), we provide new insights on how a social networking site may help to generate new knowledge. All the interviewees provide information that challenges scientific articles, books and databases, among others, that indicate Mali has a provision that enables special representation. Empirical evidence also points out flexibly, the reduction of distance and mobilisation expenses as the core advantages of the website for research. 




Umpierrez De Reguero, Sebastián Dávila, Pamela

Investigation the Effects of Different Social Media Platforms to Companies’ Sales Marketing Processes by Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method

Social media has become a rapidly expanding mass media tool. Today, people spend most of their time on social media and shop here with the developing technology. There are companies that analyze annual social media data and determine the sales and marketing policy by taking these figures into consideration, and arrange their ads accordingly. At this point, this study was conducted with some purposes such as companies should use social media correctly and decide on which social media platform is suitable for their product/service and how to introduce themselves to their customers. In this study, four different social media platforms were evaluated with multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, the social media platform that gave the best result in the ranking was determined and with this way, it was tried to guide the companies that use social media platforms in sales and marketing activities. A multi-criteria model and two-step solution methodology were proposed within the scope of the study for the evaluation of social media platforms. In proposed methodology, the importance weights of criteria were determined by the SWARA method, while the ARAS method was used to evaluate each alternative social media platform. After all calculations, YouTube alternative was found to be more preferable than other alternative social media platforms for digital marketing with the highest utility degree.DOI:




Yücenur, G.Nilay Bozyel, Kaan Ahmetoglu, Asli

The Influence of Risks Perception on the Purchase of Ecological Personal Care Products

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explore and better understand purchase behaviour of ecological personal care products (shampoos, deodorants, soaps, cleansing gels), taking into account the influence of perceived risks.Design/methodology/approach: This study used an online structured questionnaire. In total there were 702 valid respondents, potentially environmentally conscious and residents in Portugal and Spain. Several correlations were made to test the hypothesized relations.Findings: Results have show that consumers perceive financial and convenience risks while buying these products. On the other hand, physical, performance, social and psycological factors are perceived as motivators and not as risks.Research limitations/implications: This research presents a number of limitations due to a limited and non representative sample. Results have to be replicated on wider and more representative sample.Practical implications: Results of the present study have demonstrated that price and convenience are observed as perceived risks by consumers. Financial perceived risks and convenience perceived risks had a positive correlation with green purchase behaviour, which means that are perceived as risks. In turn, physical, performance, social and psychological had a negative correlation with green purchase behaviour, which means that are not perceived as risks, but as facilitators or motivators.Originality/value: This study contributes to an understanding of green purchase behaviour towards ecological personal care products. The results of framework proposed enable managers and marketers to better understand the perceived risks and motivations associated to these products. 




Afonso, Carolina Gonçalves, Helena Gavilán, Diana García-Madariaga, Jesús

Venda Online de Marcas de Moda de Luxo: Contradição de conceitos ou desenvolvimento natural do negócio da moda de luxo?

Realize whether the online sale of luxury fashion brands is a contradiction of concepts or whether it stems from a natural development of luxury fashion business is the motto of this research. The present work deals with the problems associated with the E-commerce Strategies of Luxury Fashion Brands, in the way brands generate the apparent contradiction between the characteristics of online sales and the attributes of luxury fashion. It uses content analysis of luxury brand websites to identify and evaluate how brands approach the market in an omnichannel perspective and how they build a luxurious online environment achieving a Luxemosphere and enabling an online experience with the brand, compatible with its luxury status. The conclusions indicate an increase in the adoption of e-commerce by the luxury fashion brands of the sample, but with different execution profiles and, identifying needs for improvement, namely in the presentation of products and the construction of omnichannel.




Teixeira, Sandrina Francisca Machado, Pedro Luís

The Role of Relationship Marketing on the Web

The Relationship Marketing on the web is the most explored theme in Number 15 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM).The human being's relationship with the internet and the computer begins earlier and earlier, since “children establish a passionate love affair with computers” (Reis, 2013, p. 65). However, it appears today that this reality is common in the case of mobile devices. Therefore, as stated by Conrado (2012), the criteria for success in the new economy are interaction and experience. The author also says that the important thing is the relationship and personalization, that is, “the better the consumption and shopping experience, the more value the brand will have” (p. 126).Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan (2017) reinforce these ideas, highlighting the need for involvement in marketing to enhance the brand affinity. For example, the strategic use of a social customer relationship management (CRM) application, the use of mobile applications (apps) and the use of game principles in non-game situations, such as in loyalty programs and gaming communities customers, are fundamental.




Remondes, Jorge

Relationship Between Green Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior: A study of hospitably firms in North India

The purpose is to examine the relationship between green marketing strategies (green product, green price, green promotion and green place) and consumer behavior towards hospitality firms in the north India.The study used data responses of one hundred hospitality customer respondents. The data were conveniently collected in field survey by using self-administered questionnaire and analyzed through a regression analysis. The findings of the study confirmed significant influence of green marketing strategies (green product, green price, green promotion, and green place) on behavior of hospitality consumer in north India. The current data were only collected from respondents within one area which may not represent the entire population of India. The study may benefit the hospitality industry in formulating effective marketing strategies in a sustainable manner besides profit maximization and offers a new forward motion to literature on green marketing and consumer behavior and suggests the basis for further research. 




Singh, Lakhvinder

Consumer behaviour studies: shopping via mobile devices.

Consumers, especially the so-called Millennials, also known as Generation Y,  tend to use smartphones and tablets as an alternative to computers. According to figures released by the Digital Economy Association (ACEPI), e-commerce has increased in recent years and 2016 was no exception with growth observed in Portugal, Europe and worldwide, though the fastest growth of all was clearly in the United States...




Remondes, Jorge

Customer Relationship Management and Content Marketing: Key variables to consider in a digital marketing strategy.

Customer relationship management and content marketing, two marketing variables explored in Number 11 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM), play a central role in defining digital marketing strategy...




Remondes, Jorge

IJMCNM, Vol 5, Issue 8, January to June 2017

It is with great enthusiasm that we publish the Eighth Number of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM) of the Unidade de Investigação e Internacionalização do ISVOUGA - U3Is (Isvouga Unit of Research and Internationalisation).




Sousa, Jorge Remondes

The Quality Management System as a Driver of Organizational Culture: An Empirical Study in the Portuguese Textile Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Portuguese textile industry in which way quality culture influences the organization’s performance. Thus, it was created an investigation model made up of three hypotheses. The aim was to obtain the interconnection among “error detection culture, error anticipation culture, creative culture, and continuous improvement, and finally performance”. Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire tested before in similar studies (Cameron and Sine, 1999; Costa, 2008; Leal, Roldan and Acedo, 2002), was sent to 71 companies. The questionnaire was structured in three sections. The geographic area chosen for analysis was the North of Portugal. Were received 60 valid answers, which represents a sample with a percentage of 84.5% of useful answers. Findings: The results show that the existence of strong interconnections for the “error detection culture negatively influences performance” and for the “creative culture and continuous improvement” positively influences performance. Many companies of this research are managed according to reactive quality cultures. They are still oriented by values and attributes that should be improved in the paradigm of quality management. Research Limitation/implication: The study is limited to a geographic area, designated Northern Portugal. Originality/Value of paper: From the obtained results it was found the existence of a dominant quality culture (the error detection culture). This means that Portuguese textile industries, and others industries in another countries, with the “error detection culture”, are oriented by quality values which must be improved




Araújo, Romeu Santos, Gilberto Costa, José Sá, José

Price and Marketing Strategy in Tourism Contexts: A preliminary study to mitigating seasonality

Tourism, as an area of study, has expanded its scope, reflecting an increasing recognition in the academic community paralleled by the application of interdisciplinary concepts and methods. In this context, seasonality has long been viewed as one of the most unique and worrisome facets of the tourism industry. It can be defined as a cyclical pattern that more or less repeats itself each year. In this context, the element of marketing-mix that has been most impervious to sharing power with consumers is precisely the price. Participative pricing mechanisms have been used by for-profit entities for quite some time, and some of the most innovative participative pricing strategies have been applied in different industries throughout the past decades. The studies show the importance of investigating more about the price and phenomenon of seasonality in tourism contexts. Such is the case of Name Your Own Price and Pay What You Want. This preliminary research intends to provide evidence that identity and self-image concerns are potentially very important (in specific tourism contexts). Three field experiments will involve PWYW pricing demonstrate that companies can sustain profitability with payments that rely entirely on social preferences in Portuguese hospitality and tourism (i.e. Theme Park Experiment (Radical Tourism); Tour Boat Experiment (Douro River) and Religious Tourism (Fátima)). This study is an exploratory research based on a quantitative approach with the increasing competition among tourist and specific tourism contexts. At the end of the study, some limitations will be presented and lines of research will be outlined for the future.




Barros, César Lapa Sousa, Bruno Miguel

The Role of Digital Marketing: A perspective from Porto Hotels’ Managers.

The role of internet in the purchasing behavior of tourists led to a modification in marketing plans that became increasingly digital. This study aims to identify how managers of the hospitality industry use digital marketing, as a marketing tool.This study adopted a qualitative methodology comprising: a) the analysis of the online presence - website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TripAdvisor - of the 59 four and five stars establishments of Porto; b) semi-structured interviews that were conducted to managers and marketers of the 32 hotels in study. Digital marketing tools provide numerous benefits to the hospitality industry. However, managers still do not take advantage of their full potential. In digital marketing the performance indicators are always evolving. Although the data were collected at the end of 2016, we think that the conclusions and recommendations still are updated and relevant. This study suggests some recommendations for improving the digital marketing performance of Porto hotels. Although adopting a case-study approach, this paper provides an extensive assessment of digital marketing communication mix regarding the luxury segment of hotel industry. Moreover, this assessment is made for all units within a city scale.




Leite, Rita Abreu Azevedo, António

A Influência da Motivação na Intenção de Escolha de um Destino Turístico em Tempo de Crise Económica

This study´s main purpose was to appraise the influence of the motivational factors Push and Pull (Dann, 1977), when aiming to choose a touristic destination in a critical time for the Portuguese economy. The data were obtained through the filling-in of a self-administered survey, which remained available in the Internet from February 26th to April 8th, 2011. 160 valid questionnaires were obtained, out of which only 158 were considered, given that they were the ones that showed an interest in travelling to a holiday destination in 2011. Through factor analysis we were able to identify four components in the Pull factors: Novelty and knowledge-seeking; Rest; Thrill & Adventure; Socialization.  There were also identified four components in the Push factors: Climate and Hospitality; Shopping and Leisure; Nature and Culture; Social Environment. Most of the respondents are clearly more prone to the Pull factors than to the Push ones in a time of economic crisis. The influence of emotions in the choice of a destination was analyzed, but no valid statistic relation was found. As for the economic crisis, it is clear that the respondents tend to choose cheaper destinations to save money. However, despite the evidence of a trend in the analysis of the data which actually met the expectations, given the size of the sample, we cannot apply them to the overall population.




Rodrigues, Adriana Silva Mallou, Jesús Varela