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Objectivo: O objectivo deste estudo é tentar compreender quais são os principais determinantes da performance empresarial. Nomeadamente, tem como propósito investigar o impacto na performance empresarial das variáveis, orientação para o mercado, orientação para a inovação, capacidades de marketing e vantagem competitiva. Design/metodologia/abordagem: Esta investigação propõe um modelo teórico que será testado usando os modelos de equações estruturais (SEM). Foi desenvolvido um questionário para investigar a influência de variáveis como a orientação para o mercado, a orientação para a inovação, as capacidades de marketing e a vantagem competiva na performance empresarial. Foram recolhidos 206 questionários válidos de uma amostra de empresas portuguesas.Resultados: Os resultados do modelo de equações estruturais mostraram que as variáveis capacidades de marketing e vantagem competitiva exercem uma influência direta na performance empresarial. Já a variável orientação para a inovação tem um efeito indireto na performance empresarial, através das variáveis mediadoras capacidades de marketing e vantagem competitiva. Por seu turno, a variável orientação para o mercado tem um impacto indireto na performance empresarial, por via da variável mediadora capacidades de marketing. Por último, a variável capacidades de marketing influencia as vantagens competitivas.Originalidade/Valor: Esta investigação examina o papel mediador das capacidades de marketing e da vantagem competitiva na relação entre as variáveis independentes, a orientação para o mercado e a orientação para a inovação, e a variável final, performance empresarial.




Sousa, Vitor Pereira Marcos, Anabela Maria Bello da Silveira de Figueiredo

Mensuração do Apego à Marca de Alunos de um Curso Superior de uma Universidade Pública Federal no Brasil

O apego à marca é assunto ainda pouco explorado no Brasil, especialmente no setor educacional. Observa-se que fazer ou ter feito parte de uma universidade reflete sentimentos de pertencimento, de vínculos que vão além do ensino e da aprendizagem em um contexto acadêmico. Nos estudos organizacionais,o afeto a uma determinada marca de um produto ou de um serviço revela elos emocionais, o que traz benefícios tanto para consumidorescomo para as organizações. No âmbito do ensino superior público federal, que é uma área que foge de um cenário convencional de consumo, acredita-se que alunos também podem sentir apego por umauniversidade, seja por si mesmo ou por uma influência externas. Visando explorar este contexto, o presente artigo analisouo vínculo afetivo de alunos de um curso de graduação de uma universidade pública federal brasileira. O método compreende análise descritiva e quantitativa, a partir da aplicação de um questionário estruturadopropostos por escala de Louis e Lombart (2010)junto aos alunos do curso de Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais. Verificou-se que alunos podem sentir apego à universidade, mesmo ela sendo pública e gratuita. Por meio do teste de ANOVA, descobriu-se que estudantes de faixas etárias mais altassentem um apego emocional mais intenso do que estudantesmais jovens.Cabe ressaltar que desenvolver vínculos de simpatia e carinho por uma universidade podem desencadear o desejo de pertencimento, de fidelidadee ampliar o número de estudantes no ensino superior no país.




Mello, Simone Portella Teixeira de Borges, Gustavo da Rosa

IJMCNM, Vol 2, Issue 3, July to December 2014

With Issue 3 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM), we will have successfully completed one calendar year of publications for the first time. Issue 1 was published in December 2013 and Issue 2 in June 2014. As a result, this year we have succeeded in completing our mission to publish every six months...




Sousa, Jorge Remondes

A Interação das Marcas com o Público através do Facebook: O Mercado dos Smartphones e as Marcas Samsung e Apple.

Social networks, and Facebook in particular, play a huge role for brands in the time being, since they are a powerful vehicle for them to interact with their customers and potential customers. A single post done through a computer, tablet or smartphone can reach millions of people in a very short time.Therefore, it is essential to understand the importance for brands of investing in the management of this interaction, ascertaining its impact on brand awareness and brand loyalty.For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was applied to some users of this social network. Considering the measurement of the variables “brand awareness” and “brand loyalty”, the survey was restricted to the market of smartphones, and to the brands Samsung and Apple, which have distinct policies considering the management of their social networks. There were 209 collected answers, and the sampling process was non-probabilistic by convenience, so there is no guarantee that the sample is representative of the population in study.After the analysis of the collected data, it can be said that there is statistical evidence which shows that, for the sample concerned, there is a positive relationship between the brands’ interaction in Facebook and their brand awareness. On the other hand, the results showed that, for this sample, there was no relationship between that interaction and brand loyalty. These assumptions may indicate that brands should invest in this process shall the increase of their awareness be an important goal for them. 




Pintor, Simão Teixeira, Sandrina Ribeiro, Anabela

Os festivais musicais como experiência turística. Uma análise teórica

Durante anos o setor espanhol turístico foi baseado de um modo quase exclusivo na promoção do sol e encalhou goste de pio para atrair visitas estrangeiras a nosso país. O esgotamento do padrão provocou a procura de alternativas novas que você / eles regenera e impele um dos motores principais de nossa economia. Neste contexto, é observada a irrupção de um consumidor novo que aspectos para outras alternativas turísticas, outra forma de viver suas férias, desfrutando experiências diferentes, vinícolas, cultural ou musical, entre outro. Este trabalho supõe uma primeira aproximação no estudo da experiência procurado pelo turista de festivais musicais, enquanto avaliando as dimensões consideradas em sua experiência e suas conseqüências no fluxo (satisfação) e ré posterior  




Estrada, Marta Sotos, Jessica Monferrer, Diego

Applied Marketing in Tourism and Communication in Social Networks

Marketing applied in tourism and social media marketing are the two most explored themes in Number 12 of the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM).Under the first theme, the formation of the image of tourist destinations that occur daily is a growing concern of the marketers. As Renner and Soares (2018) say, the process of image formation is very dynamic and is characterized by countless evaluations that the destinations suffer.The communication of brands in social networks, according to the theme highlighted in this issue, emerges as a strategy of digital marketing because it creates opportunities due to the low cost and benefits provided by ease of use and rapid diffusion (Longley, AA, Anselmo, CR, Maia, C., Lunardi, G. & Munhoz, P., 2018).




Remondes, Jorge

Sustentabilidade Ambiental na Indústria Hoteleira: Uma perspetiva dos gestores de hotéis ecológicos em Portugal

Num contexto em que o excesso de consumo conduz a impactes ambientais que ameaçam o futuro do planeta- aos quais se somam os efeitos de uma pandemia global -, a sustentabilidade ambiental tem recebido cada vez mais atenção entre as empresas hoteleiras. O setor hoteleiro é reconhecido como um dos principais contribuintes para as emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Ainda assim, há evidências de que a tendência de implementação de iniciativas ambientais está a aumentar no setor hoteleiro, evoluindo como um novo fenómeno de pesquisa nas áreas de gestão e marketing. Contudo, o estado atual da pesquisa neste assunto é relativamente recente e limitado, especialmente em Portugal.A sustentabilidade ambiental tem vindo a tornar-se um tema proeminente na esfera pública, e o setor hoteleiro tem tido especial atenção. O crescimento do setor deu maior visibilidade aos seus impactes ambientais e levantou preocupações sobre como a indústria está a lidar com esta questão. Perante o reconhecimento de que o futuro do planeta está sob ameaça, os consumidores estão cada vez mais conscientes e, consequentemente, a optar por soluções ambientalmente sustentáveis. Como resultado, um número crescente de hotéis alterou as suas operações implementando proativamente iniciativas ambientais que, hoje, desempenham um papel crítico no marketing e na gestão. Contudo, o estado atual da pesquisa neste assunto é relativamente recente e limitado, especialmente em Portugal. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste estudo consiste em compreender as perspetivas dos gestores de hotéis ecológicos portugueses em relação às práticas de gestão ambiental em que estão envolvidos. Foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas a gestores de hotéis com certificação Green Key em Portugal. Uma série de motivações, benefícios e dificuldades relativas à adoção de estratégias ambientais foram identificadas a partir da análise de dados. Adicionalmente, os resultados revelam que a covid-19 provocou retrocessos no desempenho ambiental, gerando mais resíduos não recicláveis, mas, para alguns hotéis, houve tempo para refletir estratégias, novas medidas ecológicas e sensibilizar os colaboradores. Espera-se que esta investigação contribua para o aumento do conhecimento acerca dos pressupostos de sustentabilidade e para a criação de novas abordagens para a gestão ambiental nos hotéis.  




Ferreira, Sandra Pereira, Olga Simões, Cláudia

The brand management: a perspective applied in the context of sports media

The main objective of this study is to analyze the brand management approach applied to sports media context. Thus, in particular, the research proposed aims to present a contribution to the study and management of the brand in a perspective applied to the sports daily press environment in Portugal, in particular on physical and psychological brand identity. So he proceeded to lifting elements and publication of the subproducts, with a view to analyzing and understanding of key aspects of brand management (case study: O Jogo).The brand management is unquestionably one of the aspects on which many researchers have dedicated attention, as this was something that in addition to facilitate recognition, improving the loyalty and increasing notoriety. It is of course an asset for the company, which will allow products that identify and differentiate them from the competition. Besides the undeniable connection with the component product (marketing mix), the study of the brand requires attention to various kinds of concepts, no less important (e.g. image, notoriety or identity). Recently have been new approaches and new contributions in this regard. This paper presents and systematizes some of these contributions, an application of the optical particular case of sports media in which the communication elements are particularly important (e.g. logo, signature, colors, slogans, values and symbols). Thus, the scope of a theme as brand management allows to study fundamental aspects of the brand (i.e. to establish the relationship with marketing mix strategy).




Sousa, Bruno Miguel Silva, Joaquim

How to use the package in the tobacco products to communicate in the plain pack era

The aim of this research is to contribute to the emerging literature on the role of packaging of tobacco products, by providing a clearer explanation of what tobacco packaging means in consumer communication. With the recent legislative changes of tobacco products, i.e. communication restrictions affecting the packaging, such as the plain packs, packaging has become a more important tool to communicate with the consumers.  This research intends to understand consumer behavior and explore possible new ways of communication, considering the communication restrictions. It was adopted a qualitative methodology. In this investigation, it was concluded that the packaging is a factor with big impact on consumer choice, particularly in FMCG and plays a key role in brand differentiation at the point of sale. Regarding tobacco product packaging, it was proved that plain packs have negative impact on brand value communication and retailers are a key factor in the communication with consumers.




Brandão, Amélia Maria Pinto da Cunha Cidade, Jorge Alves, Gisela

The Role of User Generated Content in Shaping a Business’s Reputation on Social Media: Moderating role of trust propensity

This study aims to identify the importance of User Generated Content for businesses and provides insight into the relationship between the propensity of trust and a businesses’ reputation. This research involved a Cross-sectional empirical study on 217 active Facebook users. Linear regression and moderation analysis is conducted using Process macro by Hayes (2012). Results show that Users’ Generated Content plays a vital role in building the reputation of businesses. Furthermore, the propensity to trust modifies this relationship. Online users with a lower propensity to trust behave differently as they tend to surf more and are likely to rely on their contemporaries without verifying the validity of information they are exposed to with a greater emphasis on what their peers say.




Khan, Muhammad Naeem Khan, Mahwish J Kashif, Sadaf

The Role of the Positive Switching Costs in the Insurance Industry

The purpose of this paper is to test a framework in car insurances for examining the alternative routes through which different types of positive switching costs (social and lost benefits) operate in affecting outcomes, such as satisfaction, relational commitment, loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM). Thus, the objective of this paper is to understand the role that positive switching costs plays in the insurance industry. This investigation proposes a theoretical model tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). A questionnaire survey was developed to explore the relationships among two positive switching costs (social switching costs and lost benefits costs), satisfaction, relational commitment, loyalty and WOM. For this study, 744 valid questionnaires were collected from a sample of Portuguese car insurance holders. The results show that lost benefits costs directly influence satisfaction, relational commitment, loyalty and WOM. However, social switching costs only influence relational commitment. In turn, satisfaction affects relational commitment, loyalty and WOM. Relational commitment increases loyalty and WOM. Finally, loyalty is a determinant of WOM. In order to address gaps in the literature, the present study developed an integrative model through which two types of positive switching costs operate in directly affecting loyalty and WOM and indirectly, via satisfaction and relational commitment. Research on the downstream effects of different types of switching costs is lacking. Therefore, this investigation examines the mediating role of satisfaction and relational commitment in the relationship between two positive switching costs and loyalty and WOM.




Marcos, Anabela

Compra por Impulso: um estudo aplicado ao universo de estudantes do ensino superior

This study has as main objetive the underlying impulse buy and the characteristics of the consumer and propensity to follow other people creating their own style. The inclusion of variables considered important, as consumer materialism, and their openness to new experiences seem to be key variables in a study that aims to broaden horizons in the scientific and business. Through a sample of university students with different levels of income, by applying statistical technique of partial least squares this study found evidence that the propensity for social influence is central to impulse buying driven by materialism and the level of openness to new experiences for consumers.




Espírito Santo, Pedro Manuel Cardoso, Patricia Milene Azinheira Espírito Santo, Lidia Maria

Value Co-Creation and Sustainability: A systematic literature review

Sustainability and co-creation of value are two current topics for the marketing field. The purpose of this paper is to develop a systematic literature review taken these two topics together to highlight their implications to Sustainable Marketing. A systematic literature review about Sustainability and Value co-creation is performed based on papers published between 2010 and 2020, indexed on Web of Science. Bibliometric results indicate a significant increase in the number of articles, journals and authors for the two fields considered together over the last 10 years (2010-2020). Our research highlights the recent greater visibility of Sustainability and of Value co-creation, and of the relationship between the two fields, particularly in the last 5 years.We found that those studies are mostly related with Sustainable Development, Innovation in Design and Services, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Networks, Customer Engagement, Business Models, Dominant Logic in Services and others residual fields (as, for instance Medicine and Health), and the need to complement the literature relating it with Services and with B2B relationships.We conclude that both sustainability and value co-creation are topics that discuss how firms and customers can interact over time for sustainable development. In addition, this paper shows that the research conciliating the two theoretical areas is scarce, which is an opportunity to develop the literature. Thus, our research highlights that theoretical and empirical research relating sustainability and value co-creation is need in order to develop the literature on Sustainable Marketing. 




Almeida, Raquel Pontes Proença, João F. Ferreira, Fabiana Nogueira Holanda

Evolving factors influencing consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing and its impact on social media usage

This study aims to increase understanding of the factors affecting consumer attitudes towards social media marketing and the use of social media. Reviewing theories of reasoned action approach, the paper proposes a research model, which examines the determinants of consumer attitudes towards the use of social media marketing and consequent impact on social media use. Data for the study was collected from 372 consumers in Saudi Arabia. Using the Partial Least Square method, the model was tested using a two-stage process, model evaluation and testing the significance of the model. The findings support most of the hypotheses. In summary, of the nine hypotheses tested, six were supported, while three were not. The findings broaden and deepen our understanding of the factors affecting consumer attitudes towards marketing with social media and use in Saudi Arabia. The results have useful implications to marketers, who are increasingly using social media as a business strategy. The paper discusses the implications of the finding and provides direction for future research. Marketing through social media particularly in the Arab region is not well understood due to paucity of research in this area. This paper bridges the research and knowledge gap.




Sohail, M. Sadiq Al-Jabri, Ibrahim

Price and Marketing Strategy in Tourism Contexts: A preliminary study to mitigating seasonality

Tourism, as an area of study, has expanded its scope, reflecting an increasing recognition in the academic community paralleled by the application of interdisciplinary concepts and methods. In this context, seasonality has long been viewed as one of the most unique and worrisome facets of the tourism industry. It can be defined as a cyclical pattern that more or less repeats itself each year. In this context, the element of marketing-mix that has been most impervious to sharing power with consumers is precisely the price. Participative pricing mechanisms have been used by for-profit entities for quite some time, and some of the most innovative participative pricing strategies have been applied in different industries throughout the past decades. The studies show the importance of investigating more about the price and phenomenon of seasonality in tourism contexts. Such is the case of Name Your Own Price and Pay What You Want. This preliminary research intends to provide evidence that identity and self-image concerns are potentially very important (in specific tourism contexts). Three field experiments will involve PWYW pricing demonstrate that companies can sustain profitability with payments that rely entirely on social preferences in Portuguese hospitality and tourism (i.e. Theme Park Experiment (Radical Tourism); Tour Boat Experiment (Douro River) and Religious Tourism (Fátima)). This study is an exploratory research based on a quantitative approach with the increasing competition among tourist and specific tourism contexts. At the end of the study, some limitations will be presented and lines of research will be outlined for the future.




Barros, César Sousa, Bruno


In a world that undeniably competes for investment, visitors and residents, the adoption of approaches derived from the marketing has become a reality in the search for sustainability. It is a fact that a city marketing and brand management policy is able to promote and transform an image, boost economic activity and enhance all aspects of the city that present competitive advantage over other territories, so this is why associate marketing with cities makes sense. This study aims a better understanding of the brand image and their relationship with behavioral intentions, especially through the perceptions that tourists have toward the destinations (e.g. Madeira island), and how this may influence their attitudes. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of the personal brand on the image of a tourist destination, using as a case study the Madeira destination. The data for this study were collected by a self-administered questionnaire method in Madeira International Airport (Funchal, Portugal in 2017, with 147 valid responses). It was possible to understand the perception of visitors and assess the experience of visitors and the theoretical and practical contributions to local development and tourism marketing. Under an interdisciplinary perspective, this research brings together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. A theoretical model is developed specifying antecedents of satisfaction and loyalty in specific tourism contexts. Implications for future research are also presented.




Sousa, Bruno Rodrigues, Sónia

Enoturismo na Quinta de Sanguinhedo

O presente trabalho intitula-se de Enoturismo na Quinta de Sanguinhedo. É o resultado de um estágio realizado no Monverde-Wine Experience Hotel, no período de março a junho de 2018. Este trabalho inicia-se com o enquadramento teórico, onde se analisa o conceito do enoturismo e sazonalidade, segue-se o estudo de caso Monverde-Wine Experience Hotel, apresentam-se as atividades realizadas ao longo do período de estágio, dividido pelas secções que foram propostas à estagiária. Por fim, apresentam-se um conjunto de propostas/sugestões ao Monverde-Wine Experience Hotel, por forma a combater a problemática da sazonalidade no hotel.




Fernandes, Helena Liliana Castro

A acessibilidade no etourism: um estudo na ótica das pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais

As páginas web são, atualmente, o rosto de qualquer organização turística e representam a porta de entrada para novos consumidores. Por este motivo, verifica‑se uma crescente preocupação em criar ferramentas digitais acessíveis que promovam a instituição, divulguem a sua oferta turística e fomentem o consumo. Por conseguinte, o uso das ferramentas digitais no turismo e, mais concretamente, no turismo direcionado para pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais é de maior importância, no sentido de informar os potencias consumidores de um turismo verdadeiramente acessível a todos. O modo como as organizações utilizam as plataformas digitais, e mais especificamente os grupos hoteleiros/entidades de management, demonstram não cumprir as diretrizes de acessibilidade WCAG, havendo ainda um longo caminho a percorrer até ser possível afirmar um turismo de acesso universal. Para tal, deve haver um compromisso mais afincado das entidades reguladoras do setor. O presente estudo representa uma amostra importante na forma como são negligenciadas as questões ligadas à acessibilidade no eTourism, sendo uma área que carece de aprofundamento, pois a incorporação da acessibilidade na web, além de revelar um ganho social e inclusivo, impulsiona a atração de novos mercados e de projetos com maior qualidade. Os resultados obtidos parecem evidenciar que algumas organizações (no estudo consideradas) não cumprem os requisitos mínimos das diretrizes de acessibilidade WCAG, aspeto esse que aparentemente não constitui uma prioridade. As páginas web destas organizações expõem barreiras que impedem a inclusão digital.




Macedo, Cátia Sousa, Bruno

Knowledge of the Markings and Marketing Declarations for Sun Protection Products

Information, in the form of written messages or symbols, placed on the packaging of cosmetic preparations, including sunscreen preparations which are so important for health, is a valuable source of consumer knowledge about a given product. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of markings and marketing declarations. Moreover, to obtain information regarding which markings the respondents pay attention to and which of them they associate with the high quality of sunscreen preparations. The respondents' opinion on the usefulness of selected statements was also examined. A total of 201 respondents, purposively selected, participated in the quantitative study using a proprietary survey questionnaire. Research results indicate that the knowledge of markings and marketing declarations is unsatisfactory. 11.4% of the respondents stated that they did not know any of the quality labels presented in the survey. It was shown that the respondents pay special attention to the information and the symbol indicating protection against UVA (ultraviolet type A) and UVB (ultraviolet type B) radiation. They also believe that this translates into a high quality of the photoprotective preparation. A significant proportion of the respondents expect sunscreen preparations to include the guidelines for the proper selection of a product for the type of skin and the level of exposure to sunlight, as well as information on the exact amount of preparation that should be applied to the skin to achieve the protection level indicated on the packaging.




Engler-Jastrzębska, Monika Wilczyńska, Aleksandra

QR Code adoption and mobile marketing practices in Portugal: An empirical study

The Quick Response (QR) code is seen as an emerging mobile technology that could have a high impact on the mobile marketing practices, including shopping, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and customer relationship management.This study investigates the intention to adopt the QR Code and its influence on digital marketing. To achieve this purpose an email survey was carried out among a sample of 116 graduate Portuguese students. The results indicate that consumers broadly know the new technology that was mainly used by them to access websites and other information online and less for shopping. Another conclusion is that the Portuguese consumer has been developed a positive attitude regarding the use of the QR Code as most of the respondents are interested in trying this new tool in the future. Besides, many respondents reveal an intention to apply the code in different circumstances as it is perceived as simple to use and useful, although for financial constraints many respondents do not have a mobile device or an application (app) to read the code.




Santos, José Freitas