RCAAP Repository
Acquiring Domain-Specific Knowledge for WordNet from a Terminological Database
In this research we explore a terminological database (Termoteca) in order to expand the Portuguese 11 and Galician wordnets (PULO and Galnet) with the addition of new synset variants (word forms for 12 a concept), usage examples for the variants, and synset glosses or definitions. 13 The methodology applied in this experiment is based on the alignment between concepts of 14 WordNet (synsets) and concepts described in Termoteca (terminological records), taking into account 15 the lexical forms in both resources, their morphological category and their knowledge domains, using 16 the information provided by the WordNet Domains Hierarchy and the Termoteca field domains to 17 reduce the incidence of polysemy and homography in the results of the experiment. 18 The results obtained confirm our hypothesis that the combined use of the semantic domain 19 information included in both resources allows to minimise the problem of lexical ambiguity
Simões, Alberto Gómez Guinovart, Xavier
Development of an Automatic Combination System of Clothing Parts for Blind People: MyEyes
Blind people have been, over time, a reason for motivation in the development of solutions to improve their quality of life. The aim of this work is to propose a solution for one of such problems, namely, the selection and combination of clothing for the blind. Thus, this paper describes the whole project developed, in agreement with the Portuguese Association of the Blind and Amblyopic of Portugal (ACAPO), for the creation of a Web platform to aid the blind in selecting combinations of clothing. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is the basis of this project in the identification of garments. The features of the garments are inserted manually, and a combination of features is possible. There is also the possibility to automatically identify the color of the garment. The system has been tested by the ACAPO organization and preliminary feedback is positive, which are a good starting point for the future. This solution helps promote an increased autonomy for blind people.
Rocha, Daniel Carvalho, Vítor Gonçalves, Joaquim Azevedo, Filipe Olivera, Eva
This work presents the initial step of the development of a mechatronic system that aims to promote physical activity in people with motor limitations. This mechatronic system consists of a stationary bike similar to the current gym bikes, with the difference of having a didactic component. The didactic component presents the integration of a game that simulates a paramotor in which the speed of pedalling allows the player to move up and down, while the position of the arms will allow the movement to the left and to the right in the game scenario. The model under study also presents the versatility of being able to ergonomically adjust to any person and to adjust the load for both upper and lower limbs. In this paper it is also detailed some aspects of the mechatronic system design, such as: modelling, study of materials and sensors, study of possible exercises, to be performed, and the development of the game scenario.
Pereira, Leandro Machado, José Carvalho, Vítor Soares, Filomena Matos, Filomena
The Growing Path in Search of an Industrial Design Identity
Knowing that the education system must be reinvented periodically to face the changes of social and cultural paradigm, was reviewed the pedagogical organization of a set of disciplines of an industrial design course that were in operation for a decade. Thus, in view of the objective of restructuring the disciplinary group of industrial design, a new structure has been developed and implemented that could offer students the opportunity to explore problems and challenges that have real applications, increasing the possibility of acquiring competences effectively needed to practice the profession of designer. This restructuring had as its starting point the concept of Project-based learning, which is designated as student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Consequently, resulting in a learning process organized into levels with increasing degree of complexity. As well, different assimilations of markets and design scenarios. Starting from the first year of the course, where students are still understanding the context of industrial design and its potentialities. At a time when their techniques, principles and methods are still very raw and basic. They are initiated in a LOW-ID and local industry context, to acquire basic skills. The second year allows embark on an intermediate level called MID-ID, with new skills in international brands approach. In the last year of the course the 3rd level is reached, HIGH-ID, with projects with the national industry. The first year of implementation of this curriculum structure showed good results. Thus, favoring a solid interdisciplinary formation with, skills and competences that allow future designers to intervene creatively and competently in a variety of fields. This process allows to progress to the next academic degree to complete and validate the entire formation of the student.
Matos, Demétrio Terroso, Miguel Sampaio, João
Regional potter interpretations: Case Study of synergic outcomes in master’s in Design and Product Development
Designers are key players in the process of cultural heritage interpretation and appropriation applied to other forms of production and expression in contemporary societies. In the academic training in masters of product design, knowledge creation through research as well public demonstrations of how this theoretical body is applied is quite relevant. These demonstrations allow the design to step up towards society and to show its capacity to add value and support decay activities, framing them into contemporary society and held it relevance in regional identity and economics. This article reports the outcomes of a synergic approach between master (MA) students, a museological institution and regional pottery artisans, in the development of terracotta tableware artefacts. In the designerly ways of knowing [1] a common concern is how design research and design education are contributing to the development of design as a discipline and how to reduce the gap between society and academy. Exploring a methodologic and co-creative approach of proposals, we help the students to develop a strategic and apply investigation to add value to regional and national pottery heritage and its contemporary use. By guiding them through defining what is (real context) and consequent deconstruction (abstract) of it, followed by exploration and construction of new scenarios of what could be. This approach is followed by the gap between analysis and synthesis, acting as bridge from the problem (knowing) to the solution (doing). With a more holistic and multidisciplinary approach, the students are trained to develop social and technical skills that place them into a working field and cooperation with several actors and stakeholders that increase research and learning skills through practical activities. On the other hand, the reconversion process of content and communication of practical research outcomes outside the academic field, supports the proximity between design and society (artisans, economic, cultural and governance actors), consolidates partnerships and collaborative processes.
Sampaio, João Terroso, Miguel Matos, Demétrio
Product and Service Orientation on Social Media in Restaurant Communication
Social media are a significant marketing communication tool used to establish a relationship with consumers. With the advent of the Internet, social media have become an invaluable source of acquiring new customers. They provide restaurant, bar or cafe owners with the opportunity to communicate with existing and potential clients by publishing posts on social media. Such posts frequently vary in terms of form and relate to different areas of activity. Therefore, the present study aims to enhance the understanding of how different types of posts affect communication efficiency. Content, interesting from the recipient's point of view, is a key factor contributing to success in building social media presence. Hence, the purpose of this article is to compare product and service-oriented communication. To this end, a quasi-experiment has been conducted over the course of 10 months. The results provide evidence that content directly referring to dishes offered at a restaurant is more effective at various levels. The study findings provide useful advice for companies operating in the catering industry and indicate a relationship between the product and other elements of the 7P marketing mix. The results are liable for assisting owners of food and beverage companies in improving customer relationships and increasing their engagement in response to content posted on social media.DOI: https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n18.186-205
Szymkowiak, Andrzej Antoniak, Marcin Adam Doruch, Natalia
Understanding Portuguese Young Consumers’ Intention to use Mobile Commerce
In the last decade, e-commerce became popular all over the world. The recent widespread of smartphones transformed a significant part of e-commerce in mobile commerce. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to find out which factors affect consumers intention of using m-commerce through the exploration of a conceptual model to analyze customers’ perceptions of using mobile commerce services for online shopping. This paper aims at anticipating consumer behavior, and providing implications for designers, managers, marketers, and operators related to mobile commerce (m-commerce).In order to test a conceptual model, an empirical investigation with a sample of 183 young Portuguese participants was carried out. It was used a structural equation model (SEM) in order to test the relationships of the model. The results reveal that anxiety, which is an affective obstacle against using new technology, is a key negative predictor of a customer’s intentions to use mobile devices for e-commerce. . Additionally, enjoyment, usefulness, and compatibility have an impact on a customer’s behavioral intentions. Also, the consumer’s self-awareness of his/her mobile skillfulness affects anxiety, enjoyment, and usefulness and compatibility.The outcomes of this study help to understand what prevents or encourages the use intention of m-commerce. The results not only help develop a better understanding of mobile commerce theories for researchers, but they also offer viable knowledge to those involved in promoting m-commerce to potential purchasers.
Silva, Susana Costa e Martins, Carla Carvalho
The Efficiency of Listening Tools’ Usage in Customer Relationship Management: The case of telecom companies.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the utilization of listening tools by telecommunication companies to obtain information about customer preferences, needs, and perceptions of companies’ performance to facilitate customer relationship management and to identify some leading activities for managing customer relationships and satisfaction. A survey addressed to employees at three management levels (top, middle, and operational) at the three leading mobile telecommunication companies in Saudi Arabia. The most effective listening tools are those that align with the organization’s objectives. Further, the results reveal that Saudi telecommunication companies implement various processes and approaches to increase customer satisfaction and retention. A further study might expand the scope of this research by observing only social media platforms in a complaint-handling context. Additionally, the uses and benefits of listening tools and their impact on customer satisfaction and relationships might differ across different consumer business service sectors. The findings will shed some light on the telecommunication sector in Saudi Arabia for policymakers and administrators for the purpose of planning, designing, and using listening tools in customer relationship efficiently and effectively. Telecommunication companies should invest in advanced technology and prioritize social media to get in touch with customers and be close to them. The primary contribution of this research is its discussion of a variety of customer listening tools used by Saudi telecommunication companies. Additionally, this study profiled the factors drawn from the major objectives of using listening tools in two main areas: customer satisfaction and customer relationship.
Alwahaishi, Saleh Talet, Amine Nehari
This study entails a reflection on sustainability and specific tourism contexts (i.e. creative tourism). It focusses mainly on local communities’ determiners in the consumer's purchase decision process in creative tourism. This research has as main goal to understand the determiners in the process of the consumer decision in creative tourism contexts, as well as to verify the growing importance of sustainability. A survey was conducted alongside tourists in Portugal (i.e. Sabugueiro village). Twelve qualitative interviews were carried out in Sabugueiro village, as well as direct observation. Besides, an online questionnaire with the intention of collecting the tourist vision about Sabugueiro village was carried out, resulting in forty-one valid answers. Results demonstrated the importance of tourism to Sabugueiro, genuine opinion from the interviwees about negative impacts of turism and about the brand that represents the village. Territorial marketing is a fundamental tool in the promotion of places, one that must be present in the strategies of local government representatives, helping and promoting a sustainable economic and social development of the regions. In addition, the study revealed the view of the tourist about satisfaction with the trip and their sense of responsibility as a tourist for the good development of tourism. It was possible to understand the perception of tourists in Sabugueiro and assess the experience of visitors and the theoretical and practical contributions to local development and public marketing. Implications for future research are also presented
Investment and profitability factors in mutual fund performance evaluation: a conditional approach
This paper provides new evidence on the appropriateness of the Fama-French five-factor model to evaluate international equity funds’ performance. After extending this model to a conditional framework by allowing for time-varying risk and performance, the results show that funds underperformed during the 2000–2017 period. Funds investing globally and in Europe tend to invest in aggressive firms, but only the latter are exposed to firms with weak profitability. We thus conclude that although both investment and profitability factors are significant in explaining fund returns, the investment factor plays a more relevant role irrespective of the funds’ geographical area of investment.
Leite, Paulo Cortez, Maria Céu
The Role of Service Quality in Predisposition for Portuguese Online Commerce
The study of the quality of a service represents an area of study of vast interest and knowledge. Many academics have developed studies around quality systems, quality information and quality of service. At the same time, electronic commerce has assumed a strong predominance in the choice of consumers in different sectors of activity. Therefore, it is clear the need of companies operating in this environment, in addition to addressing new business models and taking advantage of the great benefits offered by this new digital age, include in their strategies the needs and expectations of their customers, managing to build a reliable image. The theoretical framework was designed to study the factors that influence trust and predisposition among online consumers, analyzing their buying behavior. Based on the literature, a research model was developed, which one looked for to answer these questions. In specific, we intent to understand the relations between service quality, system quality and quality information; satisfaction and trust. From the analysis of these data, it was concluded that service quality, information, system quality and satisfaction showed a strong relation with trust. In an interdisciplinary perspective, this study contributes to a better theoretical understanding of trust in online commerce and helps to identify the characteristics that make part of its construction by consumers, providing relevant data that can help them to define the best marketing strategies. Implications for future research are also presented.
Vilas Boas, Vânia Sousa, Bruno
La Comunicación 2.0 en el Sector Turístico Español: Análisis de las webs oficiales de promoción turística
La comunicación es una herramienta clave para hacer llegar la información de los productos y servicios al consumidor. Además, ésta debe adaptarse a las nuevas tendencias del consumidor, inmerso en el mundo de Internet y de las nuevas tecnologías. Aparece así el concepto de comunicación 2.0 y las herramientas que integran dicho término: páginas webs, redes sociales, banners..., y ya no sólo en su forma original, sino en continua evolución. El sector turístico español no es ajeno a dicha tendencia, siendo muy necesario el uso de estas vías para llegar al mayor número de potenciales turistas, sobre todo si se piensa en un mercado global. Es por ello que la presente investigación, a través de un análisis de contenido de las webs oficiales de promoción turística de las distintas comunidades españolas, analiza cuál es el uso qué se hace de dichas herramientas. Se demuestra así que la promoción turística española hace un uso notable de las herramientas 2.0, principalmente vía páginas webs atractivas, intuitivas y sencillas, redes sociales y mapas interactivos, pudiendo todavía potenciar más el uso de estas vías y trabajar en algunas otras como la creación de aplicaciones para smartphones y tablets o vías de contacto por parte del usuario en tiempo real.
Araújo Vila, Noelia Cardoso, Lucília de Araújo, Arthur Filipe
A olaria é considerada uma das mais antigas atividades desenvolvidas pelo Homem, onde muitas das suas características tecnológicas ainda se mantêm inalteradas e fiéis aos seus primórdios. O presente estudo tem como objetivo enquadrar herança cultural e técnica da olaria da sub-região do Cávado, potenciar o reposi-cionamento das suas peças utilitárias face a uma sociedade contemporânea. Como resposta a uma ausência e descaracterização da olaria tradicional, a investigação irá incidir-se na resolução desta questão, pretendendo divulgar o que de melhor se faz na região do Cávado, apelando à cultura e tradição herdada. A zona Minhota é uma região favorecida cultural e geograficamente, onde a comer-cialização das suas peças se expande para toda a Galiza e Portugal. A cidades de Barcelos, Braga e Vila Verde são importantes pontos de referência como as principais regiões produtoras de cerâmica. Inicialmente através de uma recolha bibliográfica e análise das peças utilitárias da olaria, procura-se ca-racterizar a produção olárica da região e identificar os seus elementos iconográficos. Numa segunda fase, e com o objetivo de consolidar conhecimento e caracterizar o território produtivo e técnicos, será elaborada uma análise que potenciará o contacto com os oleiros e sua identificação técnica e geográfica. O Design, como área que procura reanimar a atividade cultural, interligando valores e costumes a uma sociedade contemporânea, poderá ser uma importante ferramenta para resolver pertinentes questões relaciona-das com o tema. Esta relação entre o Design e a Olaria servirá não só para a preservação e revitalização de técnicas tradicionais de produção, mas também como forma de compreender como poderá existir uma maior ligação e aceitação entre estas duas áreas. Juntamente com o Museu da Olaria de Barcelos, será produzida uma linha de produtos que tem como finalidade potenciar e revitalizar peças iconográficas do legado tradicional, e deste modo ser possível contribuir para a valorização do património e herança cultural da sub-região do Cávado através da exploração das técnicas e saberes tradicionais da louça utilitária, podendo assim o design atuar como catalisador e agregador de valor.
Gomes, Filipa Isabel Lencastre Magalhães
O turismo de peregrinação tem revelado um crescente interesse numa ótica da segmentação turística, estando por isso enquadrado nas atividades de planeamento turístico. Denota-se uma importância crescente e orientação para diferentes procuras experienciais. Este estudo visa compreender o comportamento do consumidor em contextos de turismo de peregrinação, no caso particular dos Caminhos de Santiago. O objetivo da presente investigação foi perceber o perfil e comportamento dos consumidores dos Caminhos de Santiago de Compostela numa perspetiva interdisciplinar. Foi elaborado um modelo conceptual que permitiu estudar um conjunto de hipóteses apresentadas previamente que foram testadas tendo por base os dados recolhidos através dos inquéritos por questionário recolhidos junto dos peregrinos de Santiago de Compostela, numa amostra de 124 respondentes. A compreensão e análise das dimensões do presente estudo poderão revelar-se, em paralelo com as conclusões obtidas, uma ferramenta de suporte à gestão das rotas de peregrinação.
Revitalizing Brand Loyalty through Social Media Communication: A double mediation survey
Today, building and keeping up brand loyalty are among central themes of research for marketers. They have utilized innumerable tactics to sustain brand loyalty over a period. However, the concept of brand loyalty is vanishing nowadays due to shift in means of communication. Intention of the study is to explain the pronounced impact of social media communication on brand loyalty in apparel industry, provided that the phenomenon is grabbing more attention of marketing industrialists and researchers. An online survey was carried out through various social media forums including Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter to collect data from household consumers. Data were collected from all over the Pakistan via structured close ended questionnaires. Out of 500, just 452 responses were acknowledged. The findings from path analysis revealed a strong positive relationship between social media communication and brand loyalty. Results shed light on the fact that brand trust and brand equity are equally crucial to sustain brand loyalty, since alone social media communication is not sufficient. Findings are expected to assist marketing managers in developing and sustaining brand loyalty in this phase of digital communication. Based on the outcomes, this study can be considered as a landmark breakdown in this era and proposes some considerable strategies for the marketing managers.
Ali, Aasir
Marketing and Digital Business
Digital marketing and online business are growing considerably. As Kotler (2017) points out in his latest book Marketing 4.0, we are witnessing is a shift from traditional to digital marketing. In such context, the edition of this special issue on marketing and digital business in the International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM) is a recognition of the utmost importance of the topic, since the fusion of traditional and digital marketing is increasingly a reality. Hence, it is with great pleasure that we publish the Second Special Issue of the IJMCNM in the Research and Internationalization Unit of the Higher Institute of Entre Douro and Vouga (U3Is).
Remondes, Jorge Piñeiro, Maria Teresa Barbosa, Belém
Estratégia de Comunicação e Venda On-Line na Joalharia de Luxo
A presente investigação tem como objetivo caracterizar a estratégia de comunicação e venda on-line apresentada nos web sites de empresas de joias de luxo. Nesse sentido, foram identificadas e analisadas as características gerais do web site, as opções de comunicação e interatividade, as opções de venda disponíveis e os critérios de segmentação e posicionamento de cada marca. Os resultados evidenciam que as empresas de joias de luxo utilizam os new media conjuntamente com os meios tradicionais, ou seja, vendem os seus bens on-line privilegiando o contacto personalizado com o potencial consumidor procurando atraí-lo para a visita às suas boutiques.
Motta, Joana Filipe, Sandra Barbosa, Maria
A Gestão do Product Placement na TV Brasileira: Um estudo exploratório no ambiente interno das emissoras.
Product placement é uma estratégia que integra mensagens promocionais ao conteúdo de atrações televisivas. Seu emprego crescente se deve ao ambiente cada vez mais saturado de mensagens interruptivas, como o break comercial. Este trabalho investiga, qualitativamente, dois aspectos: (1) a visão dos profissionais de televisão sobre o uso do PP, e (2) como se dá o fluxo de concepção, avaliação e operacionalização destas ações. Foram entrevistados 11 profissionais das 5 principais emissoras abertas brasileiras. Os resultados reconhecem a crescente importância do PP no mix promocional, maior profissionalização da área e também apresenta um modelo com as etapas deste processo.
Lellis Chiovetto, Lucas Andrade, Josmar Ferreira Bonifácio, Naira Astolfo de Lima, Renan
A responsabilidade penal dos administradores judiciais
O processo de insolvência é um processo complexo, pois, abarca todo o património do devedor insolvente, coma finalidade de igualar os direitos de crédito dos credores. É um resultado de um conjunto de determinadas situações que uma empresa, ou uma pessoa singular, chega devido à conjuntura socioeconómica do país ou mesmo devido a causas de natureza técnica, estratégica e financeira. Caracteriza-se pela impossibilidade de o devedor cumprir as suas dívidas, por isso, aqueloutro incorre numa situação em que o passivo se encontra manifestamente superior ao ativo, impossibilitando a realização dos direitos aos credores. O devedor coloca-se em situação em que o seu ativo já não é suficiente para suprir o passivo, desta forma, viola o dever de manter um volume patrimonial suficiente para completar a satisfação dos credores. Propomo-nos abordar, em primeiro lugar, o processo de insolvência na versão introduzida pelo C.I.R.E. em 2004 e iremos abordar a figura do administrador de insolvência. Seguidamente, faremos todo o enquadramento legal dos crimes insolvenciais, a análise incidirá sobre o crime de insolvência dolosa, o crime de frustração de créditos, o crime de insolvência negligente e o crime de favorecimento de credores previstos no Código Penal. No final da dissertação, iremos abordar a insolvência falimentar no sistema brasileiro, desta forma,iremos fazer uma comparação com processo de insolvência em Portugal. Por fim, iremos abordar a responsabilidade penal dos administradores de insolvência articulando com o C.I.R.E. e com o Código Penal.
Azevedo, Susana Patrícia Silva de
Consumer Behavior, Communication and Relationship Marketing.
Os estudos sobre o comportamento do consumidor têm um papel central na definição de estratégias de marketing.O conceito amplo de comportamento do consumidor que envolve pessoas ou grupos que escolhem, compram, utilizam ou possuem produtos, serviços, ideias ou experiências (Solomon, 2002), permite-nos compreender que o seu estudo é fundamental para caracterizar perfis de consumo. Já na implementação de estratégias de marketing para os clientes, parceiros com ou sem fins lucrativos, mas também para os públicos internos, a comunicação está no cerne da vida organizacional. Sem comunicação, não há organização (Rego, 2007).A prioridade estratégica hoje é conquistar e fidelizar clientes porque assim assegura-se a permanência e o crescimento dos negócios (Marques, 2012), entre outras razões. O comportamento do consumidor, a comunicação, o marketing relacional, entre outros temas, como o papel do género nas empresas, são explorados nesta edição do International Journal of Marketing, Communicaton and New Media (IJMCNM).
Remondes, Jorge